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Latest Debt News

Different debt relief options

Key takeaways While debt relief solutions may be helpful when organizing and paying down debt, they can easily result in…

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10 Things You Should Never Forget to Check on a Rental Car

Canva When renting a car, it’s easy to overlook some critical checks in the excitement of hitting the road. However,…

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They Did What: 12 Things That Baby Boomers Did That Would Be Criminal Now

wikimedia In a world where rules and regulations continuously evolve to reflect growing societal awareness and technological advancements, the actions…

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Alternatives to debt relief

Key takeaways Working with a debt relief company can carry significant risks, like long-term credit damage, if your creditors don't…

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Interest Rate Cut on Hold Following Jobs Report

The economy added 272,000 jobs last month, according to the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report this morning. That…

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15 Boomer Traits That Irritate Millennials the Most

Canva Generational gaps have always existed, but the divide between Boomers and Millennials seems particularly pronounced. From differing worldviews to…

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The pros and cons of debt relief programs: Your choices

Key takeaways Debt settlement, debt management plans and debt consolidation are among the most popular debt relief options. If you…

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14 Traditional TV Networks That Younger Generations Don’t Watch Anymore

Canva As the media landscape continues to evolve, traditional TV networks are struggling to maintain their relevance, especially among younger…

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How do debt relief programs work? Plus how to choose one

Peter Dazeley/Getty Images: Illustration by Issiah Davis/Bankrate Key takeaways Debt relief can take three forms: debt settlement, consolidation and management.…

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13 Things Rich People Avoid That Most People Think They Love

123RF There are many misconceptions about the lifestyles of the wealthy. While it’s easy to assume that rich people indulge…

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