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Second-Hand Only: 12 Items That Are Only Worth Buying Second-Hand

Buying second-hand has become more than a popular trend. Now that people are more mindful of sustainability and experiencing greater…

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14 Words That Have a Totally Different Meaning in Teen Slang

Teenagers have always been pioneers of language, crafting and reshaping slang that can baffle even the most linguistically savvy adults.…

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The Case For Hope

  I hand the microphone to Nick Kristof (one of my heroes): More than three-quarters of Americans say the United States is headed…

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A Three-Sided Marriage: 12 Reasons You Should NEVER Agree to An Open Marriage

Open marriages, where partners agree to engage in relationships outside the primary relationship, have gained some traction in recent years.…

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Dave Says: The Lesser Of Two Evils

Dear Dave, My husband and I are following your plan, and we’re on Baby Step 2. We just learned that…

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A Gen Z’s guide to credit scores

Members of Generation Z (Gen Z) are the latest cohort of credit users. They range from teenagers just beginning to…

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Are Banks Open on Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, May 12 this year, which means it’s right around the corner. This important holiday is…

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Different Ways That BAC May Get Calculated Incorrectly in CA

Understanding the factors that can result in an incorrect Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) calculation is crucial, especially in California. BAC…

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15 First Date Ideas That Guarantee a Second Date

When it comes to first dates, the pressure to impress can be overwhelming. However, the key to a memorable first…

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Shoes On Or Shoes Off: 6 Pros and 5 Cons For Removing Your Shoes Before Entering Someone’s House

DALL-E Welcome to the great shoe debate! Ever stood awkwardly at a friend’s doorway, wondering if you should kick off…

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