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Your Business Isn’t Over: The Critical First Steps to Turn It Around

Image Source: If you own your own business, you know things can get tough. However, setbacks don’t mean that…

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6 Eye-Opening Social Media Addiction Stats You Can’t Ignore

Image Source: Social media has become an essential part of modern life for most people. However, it is a…

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Budgeting Tips for New Grads During Uncertain Times

By Garrett Johnson Whether you are a new grad or a young adult entering your first full-time job, budgeting tips…

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12 Garage Sale Finds That Could Be Worth a Fortune

Image Source: I love a good garage sale and you can find some really amazing things digging through someone…

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7 Hidden Banking Fees and How to Avoid Them

Image Source: When it comes to banking and finance, you may have found yourself wondering how banks make money.…

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Take The 52 Week Make Money Challenge & Earn Over $1,378

  For people who feel that they have saved as much money as they can on their current expenses, but…

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Here’s What You Should Do If You’re Self Employed And Want to Retire

Image Source: I’ve been self-employed (on a 1099) for a little more than 10 years now. Being your own…

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How Veterans Can Qualify for Debt Consolidation Loans Despite Bad Credit

Image Source: Are you a veteran struggling with debt? It may be time to consider consolidating your debt to…

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Get These 8 Great Gifts For Your Pet For National Love Your Pet Day!!

Image Source: Today (February 20) is National Love Your Pet Day! It gives you the perfect excuse to spoil…

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How Does The National Debt Affect Personal Debt?

Key takeaways Governments often borrow money to cover deficits when taxes and other revenues don’t cover expenses. The national debt…

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